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Get SecurityInfo

Request to be POSTed to uri : /NorenWClientTP/GetSecurityInfo

Request Details :

Parameter NamePossible valueDescription
jData*Should send json object with fields in below list
jKey*Key Obtained on login success.
Json FieldsPossible valueDescription
uid*User Id
tokenContract Token


jData={"uid":"{{USER_ID}}", "exch":"NSE",

Response Details :

Response data will be in json format with below fields.

Json FieldsPossible valueDescription
request_timewill be present only in a successful response.
statOk or Not_OkMarket watch success or failure indication.
exchNSE, BSE,NFO ...Exchange
tsymSymbol representing the stock or asset being traded.
cnameName of the company associated with the trading symbol.
symnamName of the symbol being traded.
segSegment or category to which the symbol belongs.
exdExpiry date for futures or options trading.
instnameName of the financial instrument being traded.
strprcThe price at which an option can be exercised.
opttType of option, whether it's a call or put option.
isinInternational Securities Identification Number, a unique identifier for a security.
tiThe minimum price increment at which the asset can be traded.
lsLot size
ppPrice precision
gp_ndgn/gd * pn/pd (text format)
prcuntPrice units
prcqqtyPrice quote quantity
trduntTrade units
deluntDelivery units
frzqtyFreeze quantity
gsmindScrip update Gsm Ind
elmbmrgElm Buy Margin
elmsmrgElm Sell Margin
addbmrgAdditional Long Margin
addsmrgAdditional Short Margin
splbmrgSpecial Long Margin
splsmrgSpecial Short Margin
delmrgDelivery Margin
tenmrgTender Margin
tenstrdTender Start Date
tenenddTender End Date
exestrdExercise Start Date
exeenddExercise End Date
mkt_tMarket type
issue_dIssue date
listing_dListing date
last_trd_dLast trading date.
elmmrgElm Margin for the contract.
varmrgVar Margin for the contract.
expmrgExposure Margin for the contract.
tokenContract token for the instrument.
prcftr_dActual value for calculations, obtained by multiplying GN/GD by PN/PD.
weekly'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4'Weekly option, indicating the week.
nontrdNon-tradable instruments.
dnameBroker specific contract display name, present only if applicable.
ucUpper circuit limit for the contract.
lcLower circuit limit for the contract.
ord_msgOrder Message

Sample Success Response :

This will reply as following

"request_time": "17:43:38 31-10-2020",
"stat": "Ok",
"exch": "NSE",
"tsym": "ACC-EQ",
"cname": "ACC LIMITED",
"symname": "ACC",
"seg": "EQT",
"instname": "EQ",
"isin": "INE012A01025",
"pp": "2",
"ls": "1",
"ti": "0.05",
"mult": "1",
"prcftr_d": "(1 / 1 ) * (1 / 1)",
"trdunt": "ACC.BO",
"delunt": "ACC",
"token": "22",
"varmrg": "40.00"

Sample Failure Response :

"request_time":"10:50:54 10-12-2020",
"emsg":"Error Occurred : 5 \"no data\""